Daily Anecdotes

Friday, December 16, 2005

Sorry for the delay folks.
Now I tell you what I think about that matter, about the question I asked last time:

I think the severe punishment for suicide in the old days and still in Christianity, in the books I mean, used to serve two important purposes.
First: they didn't want to loose their really cheap labor, those poor obedient serfs who used to work till “death did them apart” from the land, their master’s land, those poor souls with no right at all must never leave their jobs because that meant losing easy money. Imagine your horse instead of give you a ride, or you ass instead of carry the heavy load for you, decide to kill themselves, it’s ridiculous, and a disaster.
And the second reason that I believe was even more important was that the man who don't have anything to lose is a very powerful and dangerous man, and more powerful and more dangerous is the man who have not even a life to lose, the man who has decided to end his life, end his misery. Such a man is potentially a fatal danger to the land lord, to the feudal own him, to all those who dined and wined and slept in warm bed in his expense and laughed at poor men like him. That man is a serious threat to the hypnotizers too, those who were responsible to keep the army of poor workers in chains of superstition, those who convinced them every week that they should not want anything, they should not ask "why?” if they know what's good for them and for the system of course! If they don't want to burn in hell, that is. HE is a real threat to those who used to teach them that obedience and wanting absolutely nothing is the surest way to the heaven.
“Salvation my child, is only possible if one is not cheeky. Five fingers of the hand are not alike, etc… so shut your mouth and do as you’re told if you don’t want to burn in hell.”
One who decides to end his life can first get rid of a few bastard.
I read somewhere, years ago, I'm not sure where, was it Voltaire? Anyway it was in the time before the Great French Revolution and the writer was criticizing the tyranny of the church and was saying what the church had done to a young man, a boy who was dead and, can’t remember why, they were against the boy's family, so they claimed that he had killed himself and to punish his body in this world before he gets to hell they put his naked body in a little cart, cut and put his dick it in his mouth and drove the cart all around the streets to show people what happens to them if they do the same.
By the way, it's interesting that this religious law particularly belongs to the Christian world. In Islam there is no emphasis against suicide of course Islam is against it but not as a great sin but rather as a stupid act. In this matter just says that do not put your self in danger, don’t ruin your life; and I think that its audience are those who might confuse “the so-called written destiny and the exact time of every one’s death” with real world and might think that for instance if they jump down from a high tower nothing will happen to them. It says it doesn't work that way! But never threatens the faithful with a specific punishment for that. What do you think the reason is?
Not that I really expect any intelligent answer ofcourse. Just kidding!


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