Daily Anecdotes

Saturday, August 19, 2006

First I wanted to leave a comment on the weblog of my great intelligent internet friend Shirin, but I got excited and the comment went out of hand and got too long so I decided to write it on my own blog; although the summer is not over yet and the writing season has not begun! But some things are so really ugly and dirty and disgusting and so very too much beastly and criminal, like massacring the totally defenseless women and children and even bombing the UN peacekeepers head quarters (who are not of course American and not European, sub species?) just to tell Mr. Koffi that he shouldn't even try to stop the daily massacre. These brutal ugly facts really and badly hurt even the worst heartless godless kinds of creatures like me, every where. See how bad they are(?)
Like what those shameless ruthless people did to Lebanese cities for weeks and killed their defenseless people. Like targeting women and children even in their night shelters, using precision penetrating laser bombs, to show plainly that they are trying to kill as much Lebanese as they can, as they are allowed to; apparently allowed by that little pupet lady who has been chosen for the post because she still cannot, and never will, believe that she is a real secretary of stat. She has been chosen to say things that his master doesn’t like to say, doing the dirty work you may say, so she obeys his master no matter how stupid she may look in the eyes of people even in her own country.
Have any of you seen Mike Wallace, (from NBC or CBS?), interview with the Iranian president? That old veteran reporter said and asked some unbelievably stupid things that absolutely amazed us all non-stupids of the world. It showed how really brain washed even the old experienced guy was; a few times during the interview he apparently became ashamed of his way of looking at things or at least by his questions. In some stages he accepted sincerely that he had never thought about this or that, that or this way. Anyway the video is on the BBC web log if you like to hear his exact words and see his sometimes amazed face, both because of some questions and because of some answers too. We are fair people, guys!
Once he told or asked the president this, said something like this:
Mr. president! I see that in Tehran people live in peace and enjoy life, when Tehran is like this, how come you approve Hezbollah rocketing cities?(!) and killing INNOCENT PEOPLE(!) and bombard their houses?(!) Do you approve this killing, and ruining of BEIRUT by Hezbollah?(!!!!!!!) (!*7)
So that's the reason that the Lebanese love Hezbollah so much and are proud of them: because of killing them and ruining the infrastructure of their capital Beirut! Now I understand, I can see clearly now!
Really ridiculous and stupid I'm sorry to say.

And by the way about the comedy in the London airport, in Heathrow, too childish! Don't you think so?
The "unstupid" people, those who do not accept what ever the T.V. feeds them with open mouths, say: "How convenient and ON TIME this show is really; to make the British hate the oppressed Moslems, (new artificial world threat in absence of the communism threat,) even more. What was the plot, RELLY? Where is the smallest evidence? The funny thing is that although they have shown anything that they like and they will do that whenever they feel like it, for instance showing hand made bombs or toothpaste nuclear devices! Or baby bottle atomic bombs! they haven't shown ANYTHING to legitimize, at least to backup, their strange sudden claim. The claim is something like this:
"Some bad guys, (Muslims of course and fascist too!) wanted to hurt us, why? because you know, they don't like and approve our [FREEDOM] and [OUR WAY OF LIFE]!! (Hiding the real reason from common people as always) But our excellent intelligence and our fine police commanders, who by the way had failed badly the last time and in the resulting anger, had shot that innocent electrician five-six times in the chest and head just for the hell of it, anyway our awake police force discovered the "Air Plot" and IMMEDIATELY arrested twenty five really surprised Moslems kids!
Now that's what I call, my friends, a very good and fast intelligence and police work.

Honestly people! Except some ridiculous claims like we found this and that on that rounded vast bush, the so called crime scene, the back up theatre of Heathrow, what have they shown for their claim?
Those poor kids they have arrested in their schools, although they do not know anything about any plot, they have to wait in prison until the police and home office find a way to let them go without losing more face. May be they have let them go but do not like to tell the public yet! fearing the question: "Why on earth did you arrested them in the first place?! What happened to the terrorist attack on England-USA airlines then?etc?..."
They are waiting for us to forget the whole thing, [like 9/11plot], they want us to just remember that part about the Moslems being the enemy of freedom and civilization!! and that they must be eliminated very soon!